TB-Traxler GmbH was founden in 2013. As a technology consulting company we have a lot of different customer in different market areas. We are proud that the amount of customers and projects is increasing steadily and we have a lot of interesting and sucessful projects in our reference list. From the beginning we were focusing on the market of pattern recognition and image processing.
Pattern recognition and digital signal processing is a special and diversified subject, which is applicated in different industry- and science areas. The principles of the various approaches are copied by nature, which are algorithms for patternextraction, learning and understanding. The field of application reaches from medicine technology to safety technology. It’s a big challenge at every field of application to achieve a sufficiant quality of recognition- and detectionrate and at the same time to keep down the false acceptance rate. A competent consulting before you start your project is the key for your technical success and safes your valuable time. To bring out your idea to a successful project, it is necessary to have the suitability for your principle technical innovation as well as the commercialization of your intended product.
Therefore it is not only important to know the market or to get to know the market, which you design your product for, it is also essential to be yourself aware of the potential of your idea. By analyzing this informations fundamentely it is possible to calculate the financial resources and the return of investment.